Operations grimoire/TLS certificates: Difference between revisions

From Nasqueron Agora
(→‎Let's encrypt commands: certbot certonly tested for Ysul, works fine)
(36 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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SSL certificates should be used for every service we provide.
TLS certificates should be used for every service we provide, so we can encrypt the communications.

== Let's encrypt commands ==
== Let's Encrypt ==
=== Certbot commands ===

'''2016-07-31: client upgraded on Ysul. New client name is certbot, not anymore letsencrypt.'''
'''acme-v02 migration.''' If you've a complaint acme-v01.api. isn't available, add <code>--server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory</code>.

=== Generate a certificate ===
'''T1505 alignment.''' We don't use anymore Certbot as a Docker container on paas-docker role. As such, all paths are now unified. Symlinks have been added to old /srv paths to help transition.
Ysul (/var/letsencrypt-auto folder) :

<code>certbot certonly --server https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory -a webroot --webroot-path=/var/letsencrypt-auto -d foo.nasqueron.org</code>
==== Generate a certificate ====
<code>certbot certonly -a webroot --webroot-path=/var/letsencrypt-auto --deploy-hook "service nginx reload" -d foo.nasqueron.org</code>

Dwellers (container will use /www):
<code>certbot certonly -a webroot --webroot-path=/var/letsencrypt-auto --deploy-hook "systemctl reload nginx" -d foo.nasqueron.org</code>

<code>letsencrypt certonly --server https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory -a webroot --webroot-path=/www -d bar.nasqueron.org</code>
==== Generate a certificate for several sites ====
=== Generate a certificate for several sites ===
<code>-d foo.nasqueron.org -d bar.nasqueron.org</code>
<code>-d foo.nasqueron.org -d bar.nasqueron.org</code>

If a certificate for foo already existed, it will offer to extend it to a new alternative name, which is probably a good idea.
If a certificate for foo already existed, it will offer to extend it to a new alternative name, which is probably a good idea.

=== Renew all certificates ===
==== Generate a certificate through DNS ====
Ysul: <code>certbot renew</code>
DNS can be used to generate certificates for domains. For example, the Openfire XMPP certificate is generated like this:
    certbot certonly --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --manual --manual-auth-hook /etc/letsencrypt/acme-dns-auth --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d xmpp.nasqueron.org -d nasqueron.org -d conference.nasqueron.org
From December 2023, you can use this command on FreeBSD servers where {{T|1505}} Let's Encrypt standard installation have been deployed:
    certbot certonly --manual --manual-auth-hook /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/acme-dns-auth --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d subdomain.nasqueron.org
This uses a specialized DNS server deployed on our Docker PaaS to serve dynamic TLS records under .acme.nasqueron.org, {{Ops file|roles/paas-docker/containers/acme_dns.sls}}.
Support files were previously '''only deployed to paas-docker role''' through {{Ops file|roles/paas-docker/letsencrypt/files}}.
==== Renew all certificates ====
<code>certbot renew</code>
==== Installation on nginx ====
===== Allow Let's encrypt validation =====
    include includes/letsencrypt;
This will use {{Ops file|roles/webserver-core/nginx/files/includes/letsencrypt}} nginx configuration.
===== Serve TLS certificate =====
    include includes/tls;
    ssl_certificate /srv/letsencrypt/etc/live/xmpp.nasqueron.org/fullchain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /srv/letsencrypt/etc/live/xmpp.nasqueron.org/privkey.pem;
This will configure a compromise between security and compatibility, based on Intermediate Mozilla SSL config<ref>https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/</ref>. The current configuration is served by {{Ops file|roles/webserver-core/nginx/files/includes/tls}}.
If you prefer to restrict the resource for TLS 1.3, and accepts to block legacy clients, you can also use with {{D|3251}}:
    include includes/tls-modern-only;
    ssl_certificate /srv/letsencrypt/etc/live/xmpp.nasqueron.org/fullchain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /srv/letsencrypt/etc/live/xmpp.nasqueron.org/privkey.pem;

Dwellers: <code>letsencrypt renew</code>
==== Edit renewal hook ====
In /etc/letsencrypt/renewal or /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/renewal you can edit this section to customize the command to run after renewal:

=== Installation on nginx ===
==== Allow Let's encrypt validation ====
    renew_hook = systemctl reload nginx
==== Serve SSL certificate ====
That can be applied in batch when nothing is set: <code><nowiki>gsed -i "s/\[\[webroot_map]]/renew_hook = systemctl reload nginx\n\n[[webroot_map]]/g" *.conf</nowiki></code>
=== Install certbot on CentOS 10 stream ===
Packages for Python 3.12 currently used as of 2024-08-04 on CentOS 10 stream can be fetched from Fedora 40 repository.
Installation on Dwellers was done like this:
    mkdir /tmp/certbot && cd /tmp/certbot
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/c/certbot-2.9.0-1.fc40.noarch.rpm
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-acme-2.9.0-1.fc40.noarch.rpm
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-certbot-2.9.0-1.fc40.noarch.rpm
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-configargparse-1.7-3.fc40.noarch.rpm
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-josepy-1.13.0-8.fc40.noarch.rpm
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-parsedatetime-2.6-12.fc40.noarch.rpm
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-pyOpenSSL-23.2.0-3.fc40.noarch.rpm
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-pyrfc3339-1.1-18.fc40.noarch.rpm
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-pytz-2024.1-1.fc40.noarch.rpm
    dnf install ./*.rpm
=== acme.sh ===
acme.sh should be run with the called "acme" with a
    sudo su - acme
==== Generate a certificate ====
==== Generate a certificate for several sites ====
==== Generate a certificate through DNS ====
For DNS certificate, we need to start the certificate generation, edit the DNS records to add the certificate verification. And launch the end of the certificate generation
    export ACMEDNS_BASE_URL="https://acme.nasqueron.org"
    acme.sh --issue --dns dns_acmedns -d example.com --server letsencrypt
==== Regenerate certificate how are from certbot ====
    export ACMEDNS_BASE_URL="https://acme.nasqueron.org"
    export ACMEDNS_USERNAME="<username>"
    export ACMEDNS_PASSWORD="<password>"
    export ACMEDNS_SUBDOMAIN="<subdomain>"
    acme.sh --issue --dns dns_acmedns -d example.com --server letsencrypt
==== Renew all certificates ====
For the certificates renewal, anything is needed the cron tab will try to renew them every day "x" day before the expiracy
==== Deploying of the certificates ====
  acme.sh --install-cert -d exemple.nasqueron.org \
  --cert-file /var/certificates/exemple.nasqueron.org/cert.pem \
  --key-file /var/certificates/exemple.nasqueron.org/key.pem \
  --fullchain-file /var/certificates/exemple.nasqueron.org/fullchain.pem
===== improved command =====
  sudo su acme
  export domain="exemple.nasqueron.org"
  mkdir /var/certificates/$domain
  acme.sh --install-cert -d $domain \
  --cert-file /var/certificates/$domain/cert.pem \
  --key-file /var/certificates/$domain/key.pem \
  --fullchain-file /var/certificates/$domain/fullchain.pem
==== on nginx ====
== Nasqueron PKI ==
=== Principles ===
Internal PKI material are stored in Vault, see [[Operations grimoire/Vault]] for information about how to generate, renew, etc.
In the operations repository, the {{Ops file|roles/core/certificates}} unit is responsible to deploy <code>nasqueron-vault-ca.crt</code>, used to authenticate for *.nasqueron.drake or IP services. For exemple, Vault clients require a certificate they can validate with a chain from that intermediate CA. Note as we don't currently use the root CA, a fullchain is probably not needed for those services.
=== Rollover a new certificate ===
If <code>nasqueron-vault-ca.crt</code> is updated or if we want instead to provision the root certificate, the following repository need to be updated and services to be redeployed:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ Where to update certificate?
! Repository !! Path !! Purpose !! Deployment instructions
| operations || {{Ops file|roles/core/certificates/files/}} || Trust internal resources on every server || Salt: <code>salt '*' state.apply roles/core/certificates</code>
| docker-airflow || [https://devcentral.nasqueron.org/source/docker-airflow/browse/main/files files/] || Connect to Vault from Airflow Python code || Docker: build and deploy new image nasqueron/airflow on Dwellers
Deployment instructions are up-to-date when newly added on that table. Afterwards, they should be checked against current procedures.

== Special considerations ==
== Special considerations ==
Line 34: Line 161:
Fill a task in Servers component, subscribe Sandlayth and Dereckson to deploy it on a new server.
Fill a task in Servers component, subscribe Sandlayth and Dereckson to deploy it on a new server.

A salt state would be nice for such purpose.
A salt state would be nice for such purpose. There is work-in-progress on that matter through {{D|3248}}.

=== Internationalized domain names ===
=== Internationalized domain names ===
Line 41: Line 168:

==== No let's encrypt support ====
==== Let's encrypt support ====

Let's encrypt doesn't support IDN. The main reason is they're afraid of malicious uses:
Let's encrypt has supported IDN since 2016<ref>https://letsencrypt.org/2016/10/21/introducing-idn-support.html</ref>. We use it for dægrefn.nasqueron.org certificate.
attackers could register a domain with a Cyrillic character matching a real domains. As some people consider it's the responsibility of the CA to mitigate such risks, the feature has been several times postponed.

You can check the Let's encrypt roadmap [https://letsencrypt.org/upcoming-features/ here].
Previously, they were afraid: attackers could register a domain with a Cyrillic character matching a real domains. As some people consider it's the responsibility of the CA to mitigate such risks, the feature has been several times postponed.

==== StartSSL ====
==== StartSSL ====
StartSSL supports IDN. We so use this CA.

StartSSL nasqueron.org domain is validated on Dereckson account. Assign them to a task for a certificate.
StartSSL is not in activity anymore. It was used at Nasqueron when Let's Encrypt didn't support IDN.
== Troubleshoot ==
=== Acme DNS ===
==== Can't reach ACME DNS API / HTTP Error 403: Forbidden ====
AcmeDNS API access is restricted to IPs addresses set in {{Ops file|roles/webserver-core/nginx/files/includes/geo_nasqueron}}.
If you got a 403 by running acme.sh (only visible in --debug mode):
* If the IP address is missing from geo_nasqueron, add it
* If the IP address is already there, check on the server if /etc/nginx/includes/geo_nasqueron matches
** Yes -> nginx must be reloaded (nginx -t reload)
** No -> Deploy with <code>salt docker-002 state.sls_id /etc/nginx/includes/geo_nasqueron roles/webserver-core/nginx</code>
Another solution is a specific routing to reach the API:
For Hervil, add a route to use router-001 gateway: route add
==== Troubleshoot records in ACME DNS database ====
To check the acme.nasqueron.org subdomain matching your _acme-challenge subdomain: <code>nslookup -type=TXT _acme-challenge.<subdomain>.nasqueron.org</code>
The DNS server to store acme.nasqueron.org records uses a sqlite3 database. To connect and check your parameters:
    $ ssh docker-002
    $ sqlite3 /srv/acme/lib/acme-dns.db
    SELECT Username, Password FROM records WHERE Subdomain = "<DNS answer>"
==== Credential lost for a ACME DNS subdomain ====
Passwords are [https://github.com/joohoi/acme-dns/blob/9c6ca258e1d57e7441b60db4474a68c36356dae2/validation.go hashed with bcrypt], so it's not possible to recover them.
In that case, there are two options:
* if you prefer edit the DNS record, delete acme.sh information for the domain renewal then issue a new certificate, that will register a new account
* if you prefer edit the ACME DNS database, encrypt a new password in bcrypt and update it with sqlite
Certificates requests are limited by Let's Encrypt, updating the password avoids to reach that quota.
You can generate a uuid and pass it to bcrypt, or register a new password (and update DNS):
    $ ssh docker-002
    $ export SQLITE_HISTORY=/dev/null
    $ sqlite3 /srv/acme/. lib/acme-dns.db
    UPDATE records SET Password = "<new bcrypt hash>" WHERE Subdomain = "<DNS answer>"
You can generate any arbitrary password with any random tool.
It seems UUIDv4 is used by the client code, if you want one, you can use <code>uuidgen -r</code>.
To get password hash with bcrypt, you can use psysh on WindRiver:

Ysul has a `csr` script.
  $ psysh
  password_hash("alpha", PASSWORD_BCRYPT)

Note this script isn't the best adapted to the new StartSSL workflow, as it wants as final input the unbundled certificate content to create the bundle. At writing time, StartSSL outputs directly in a textarea the certificate, now they offer archives with already bundled file.
Replace $2y$ by $2a$ as x and y are unique for PHP, the rest of the world uses $2a$.

We need to fix the script with the new actual URL of the intermediate cert, take the "others" version, so you'll get unbundled certificate.
== Notes & references ==
<references />

Latest revision as of 20:34, 5 November 2024

TLS certificates should be used for every service we provide, so we can encrypt the communications.

Let's Encrypt

Certbot commands

acme-v02 migration. If you've a complaint acme-v01.api. isn't available, add --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory.

T1505 alignment. We don't use anymore Certbot as a Docker container on paas-docker role. As such, all paths are now unified. Symlinks have been added to old /srv paths to help transition.

Generate a certificate

certbot certonly -a webroot --webroot-path=/var/letsencrypt-auto --deploy-hook "service nginx reload" -d foo.nasqueron.org

certbot certonly -a webroot --webroot-path=/var/letsencrypt-auto --deploy-hook "systemctl reload nginx" -d foo.nasqueron.org

Generate a certificate for several sites

-d foo.nasqueron.org -d bar.nasqueron.org

If a certificate for foo already existed, it will offer to extend it to a new alternative name, which is probably a good idea.

Generate a certificate through DNS

DNS can be used to generate certificates for domains. For example, the Openfire XMPP certificate is generated like this:

   certbot certonly --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --manual --manual-auth-hook /etc/letsencrypt/acme-dns-auth --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d xmpp.nasqueron.org -d nasqueron.org -d conference.nasqueron.org

From December 2023, you can use this command on FreeBSD servers where T1505 Let's Encrypt standard installation have been deployed:

   certbot certonly --manual --manual-auth-hook /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/acme-dns-auth --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d subdomain.nasqueron.org

This uses a specialized DNS server deployed on our Docker PaaS to serve dynamic TLS records under .acme.nasqueron.org, rOPS: roles/paas-docker/containers/acme_dns.sls.

Support files were previously only deployed to paas-docker role through rOPS: roles/paas-docker/letsencrypt/files.

Renew all certificates

certbot renew

Installation on nginx

Allow Let's encrypt validation
   include includes/letsencrypt;

This will use rOPS: roles/webserver-core/nginx/files/includes/letsencrypt nginx configuration.

Serve TLS certificate
   include includes/tls;
   ssl_certificate /srv/letsencrypt/etc/live/xmpp.nasqueron.org/fullchain.pem;
   ssl_certificate_key /srv/letsencrypt/etc/live/xmpp.nasqueron.org/privkey.pem;

This will configure a compromise between security and compatibility, based on Intermediate Mozilla SSL config[1]. The current configuration is served by rOPS: roles/webserver-core/nginx/files/includes/tls.

If you prefer to restrict the resource for TLS 1.3, and accepts to block legacy clients, you can also use with D3251:

   include includes/tls-modern-only;
   ssl_certificate /srv/letsencrypt/etc/live/xmpp.nasqueron.org/fullchain.pem;
   ssl_certificate_key /srv/letsencrypt/etc/live/xmpp.nasqueron.org/privkey.pem;

Edit renewal hook

In /etc/letsencrypt/renewal or /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/renewal you can edit this section to customize the command to run after renewal:

   renew_hook = systemctl reload nginx

That can be applied in batch when nothing is set: gsed -i "s/\[\[webroot_map]]/renew_hook = systemctl reload nginx\n\n[[webroot_map]]/g" *.conf

Install certbot on CentOS 10 stream

Packages for Python 3.12 currently used as of 2024-08-04 on CentOS 10 stream can be fetched from Fedora 40 repository.

Installation on Dwellers was done like this:

   mkdir /tmp/certbot && cd /tmp/certbot
   wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/c/certbot-2.9.0-1.fc40.noarch.rpm
   wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-acme-2.9.0-1.fc40.noarch.rpm
   wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-certbot-2.9.0-1.fc40.noarch.rpm
   wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-configargparse-1.7-3.fc40.noarch.rpm
   wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-josepy-1.13.0-8.fc40.noarch.rpm
   wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-parsedatetime-2.6-12.fc40.noarch.rpm
   wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-pyOpenSSL-23.2.0-3.fc40.noarch.rpm
   wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-pyrfc3339-1.1-18.fc40.noarch.rpm
   wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/p/python3-pytz-2024.1-1.fc40.noarch.rpm
   dnf install ./*.rpm


acme.sh should be run with the called "acme" with a

   sudo su - acme

Generate a certificate

Generate a certificate for several sites

Generate a certificate through DNS

For DNS certificate, we need to start the certificate generation, edit the DNS records to add the certificate verification. And launch the end of the certificate generation

   export ACMEDNS_BASE_URL="https://acme.nasqueron.org"
   acme.sh --issue --dns dns_acmedns -d example.com --server letsencrypt

Regenerate certificate how are from certbot

   export ACMEDNS_BASE_URL="https://acme.nasqueron.org"
   export ACMEDNS_USERNAME="<username>"
   export ACMEDNS_PASSWORD="<password>"
   export ACMEDNS_SUBDOMAIN="<subdomain>"
   acme.sh --issue --dns dns_acmedns -d example.com --server letsencrypt

Renew all certificates

For the certificates renewal, anything is needed the cron tab will try to renew them every day "x" day before the expiracy

Deploying of the certificates

 acme.sh --install-cert -d exemple.nasqueron.org \
 --cert-file /var/certificates/exemple.nasqueron.org/cert.pem \
 --key-file /var/certificates/exemple.nasqueron.org/key.pem \
 --fullchain-file /var/certificates/exemple.nasqueron.org/fullchain.pem

improved command
 sudo su acme
 export domain="exemple.nasqueron.org"
 mkdir /var/certificates/$domain
 acme.sh --install-cert -d $domain \
 --cert-file /var/certificates/$domain/cert.pem \
 --key-file /var/certificates/$domain/key.pem \
 --fullchain-file /var/certificates/$domain/fullchain.pem

on nginx

Nasqueron PKI


Internal PKI material are stored in Vault, see Operations grimoire/Vault for information about how to generate, renew, etc.

In the operations repository, the rOPS: roles/core/certificates unit is responsible to deploy nasqueron-vault-ca.crt, used to authenticate for *.nasqueron.drake or IP services. For exemple, Vault clients require a certificate they can validate with a chain from that intermediate CA. Note as we don't currently use the root CA, a fullchain is probably not needed for those services.

Rollover a new certificate

If nasqueron-vault-ca.crt is updated or if we want instead to provision the root certificate, the following repository need to be updated and services to be redeployed:

Where to update certificate?
Repository Path Purpose Deployment instructions
operations rOPS: roles/core/certificates/files/ Trust internal resources on every server Salt: salt '*' state.apply roles/core/certificates
docker-airflow files/ Connect to Vault from Airflow Python code Docker: build and deploy new image nasqueron/airflow on Dwellers

Deployment instructions are up-to-date when newly added on that table. Afterwards, they should be checked against current procedures.

Special considerations

New server

Let's encrypt client is available on Ysul (natively) and Dwellers (as a wrapper script for a Docker container).

Fill a task in Servers component, subscribe Sandlayth and Dereckson to deploy it on a new server.

A salt state would be nice for such purpose. There is work-in-progress on that matter through D3248.

Internationalized domain names

Punycode conversion

Both for web server configuration and certificate authority, name must be converted to Punycode (RFC 3492): https://www.punycoder.com/

Let's encrypt support

Let's encrypt has supported IDN since 2016[2]. We use it for dægrefn.nasqueron.org certificate.

Previously, they were afraid: attackers could register a domain with a Cyrillic character matching a real domains. As some people consider it's the responsibility of the CA to mitigate such risks, the feature has been several times postponed.


StartSSL is not in activity anymore. It was used at Nasqueron when Let's Encrypt didn't support IDN.


Acme DNS

Can't reach ACME DNS API / HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

AcmeDNS API access is restricted to IPs addresses set in rOPS: roles/webserver-core/nginx/files/includes/geo_nasqueron.

If you got a 403 by running acme.sh (only visible in --debug mode):

  • If the IP address is missing from geo_nasqueron, add it
  • If the IP address is already there, check on the server if /etc/nginx/includes/geo_nasqueron matches
    • Yes -> nginx must be reloaded (nginx -t reload)
    • No -> Deploy with salt docker-002 state.sls_id /etc/nginx/includes/geo_nasqueron roles/webserver-core/nginx

Another solution is a specific routing to reach the API: For Hervil, add a route to use router-001 gateway: route add

Troubleshoot records in ACME DNS database

To check the acme.nasqueron.org subdomain matching your _acme-challenge subdomain: nslookup -type=TXT _acme-challenge.<subdomain>.nasqueron.org

The DNS server to store acme.nasqueron.org records uses a sqlite3 database. To connect and check your parameters:

   $ ssh docker-002
   $ sqlite3 /srv/acme/lib/acme-dns.db
   SELECT Username, Password FROM records WHERE Subdomain = "<DNS answer>"

Credential lost for a ACME DNS subdomain

Passwords are hashed with bcrypt, so it's not possible to recover them.

In that case, there are two options:

  • if you prefer edit the DNS record, delete acme.sh information for the domain renewal then issue a new certificate, that will register a new account
  • if you prefer edit the ACME DNS database, encrypt a new password in bcrypt and update it with sqlite

Certificates requests are limited by Let's Encrypt, updating the password avoids to reach that quota.

You can generate a uuid and pass it to bcrypt, or register a new password (and update DNS):

   $ ssh docker-002
   $ export SQLITE_HISTORY=/dev/null
   $ sqlite3 /srv/acme/. lib/acme-dns.db
   UPDATE records SET Password = "<new bcrypt hash>" WHERE Subdomain = "<DNS answer>"

You can generate any arbitrary password with any random tool. It seems UUIDv4 is used by the client code, if you want one, you can use uuidgen -r.

To get password hash with bcrypt, you can use psysh on WindRiver:

  $ psysh
  password_hash("alpha", PASSWORD_BCRYPT)

Replace $2y$ by $2a$ as x and y are unique for PHP, the rest of the world uses $2a$.

Notes & references