From Nasqueron Agora
Resource currently unavailable. A new VPS has been ordered 2013-08-17.
Basic information
- IP: -
- No IPv6
- No reverse DNS
- Hostname: warg.loupsgris.fr
- Homepage: http://warg.loupsgris.fr/ (currently redirects to, which has been reassigned to another user)
- Configuration: VPS - RAM 128 Mb - HD 10 Gb
- OS: Debian GNU/Linux 7
- ISP: Host1free (from http://www.host1plus.com/ Host1plus]
- Network: Ghostnet (DE)
- Traceroute from Grip: Free -> Cogent -> Tiscalinet -> Ghostnet (could change, were data for
- Status: Unstable. Don't trust.
- Policy: All content should be puppetized.
- SSH (*:22)
- Apache HTTPD (*:80)
- Memcached (*:11211)