Operations grimoire/Legacy archive/Puppet manual
From Nasqueron Agora
- A configuration files repository on Gerrit, managed like an open source project with a Git repository.
- A server which send configuration files to clients. This is currently installed on Grip. It should be migrated to Ysul.
- The others servers are puppetized and received their configuration like Warg.
The goal of the game is you wipe a server, you have it reinstalled automatically as it were with all services fully operational.
It means each time you deploy manually anything on the servers, you have then to create a Puppet manifest.
Prepare the server
On FreeBSD, you'll find 5 Puppet related ports:
- /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nagios-check_puppet - a Nagios plugin to check if puppetd and puppetmasterd are alive and to check if state.yaml is up to date
- /usr/ports/sysutils/puppet - Puppet 3.x (currently 3.0.1)
- /usr/ports/sysutils/puppet-lint - Puppet Linter
- /usr/ports/sysutils/puppet26 - Puppet 2.6.x (currently 2.6.17)
- /usr/ports/sysutils/puppet27 - Puppet 2.7.x (currently 2.7.19)
We use sysutils/puppet and sysutils/puppet-lint.
Linting configuration files
- puppet-lint <file>
- Add require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint' to Rakefile and run the command rake lint. Useful for Jenkins.