Operations grimoire/Openfire
From Nasqueron Agora
Openfire is deployed on our PaaS Docker using our image nasqueron/openfire.
Data is stored on cluster A, see Operations grimoire/PostgreSQL.
Upgrade Openfire
First, upgrade the Docker image by running utils/upgrade-version 4.8.0
in the repository:
utils/upgrade-version 4.8.0
A build can be prepared on Dwellers, then pushed to the registry. For example, if you've the D3301 diff:
docker build -t registry.nasqueron.org/openfire:D3301 . docker push registry.nasqueron.org/openfire:D3301
Pull it on the relevant Docker engine, docker-002 as of January 2024, and deploy it:
docker pull localhost:5000/openfire:D3301 docker tag localhost:5000/openfire:D3301 nasqueron/openfire deploy-container openfire
Don't forget the certificate:
certbot renew openfire propagate-certificate openfire xmpp.nasqueron.org
Openfire uses a PostgreSQL database on db-A cluster.
To recreate it:
$ sudo -u postgres psql openfire GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO openfire;
- Certificate Manager
- HTTP File Upload
- Monitoring Service
- Push Notification
- Search
Use the last step to create a temporary account: you can't login with the plainpassword field from ofUser table when hashed encryption is enabled.
Useful links
- https://xmpp.nasqueron.org/
- docker-openfire repository
- https://api.nasqueron.org/datasources/dev/openfire/changelog to get the last version