Operations grimoire/Eglide/Vault
Vault on the shellserver role is installed through HashiCorp repository package.
States are located in rOPS: roles/shellserver/vault unit. This unit is needed as Eglide isn't connected to our private network and so doesn't have access to Complector directly.
Vault certificates should be generated in /etc/certificates/vault
If we use the Nasqueron Vault CA for this, Vault client should use certificate from /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/nasqueron-vault-ca.crt
like on any other server. The certificates_update_store state in rOPS: roles/core/certificates includes that certificate in /etc/ssl/certs as debian:nasqueron-vault-ca.pem
Vault server wants two files to do TLS termination:
- /etc/certificates/vault/private.key
- /etc/certificates/vault/fullchain.pem
From Operations grimoire/Vault we can generate those elements from Complector Vault (working on Complector or WindRiver).