From Nasqueron Agora
Tips and tricks abour irssi
Window management
The following shorcuts are handy:
- meta + a (available out of the box) allows you to go to the "more active" window, which is:
- the last window you have been highlighted, or if none exists,
- the last window someone has send a message to, or if none exists,
- the last window someone has send a mode to (join/part/etc.), or if none exists,
- the current window.
- meta + x allows you to switch between the current and the last windows with
/bind meta-x command window last
Note: you can do meta + a and other similar shorcuts a lot of way: alt + a, super key / windows key + a (Windows keyboards), search key + a (Chromebooks). On Mac OS X, you can set the system to use option as meta key.
Channel management
If you use a server with Chanserv:
- Requests operator mode in the current channel:
/alias op! /eval /quote chanserv op $C $N