
From Nasqueron Agora

Dwellers is an VMWare EXSi instance installed on Stormshear.

The goal of this server is to provide a Docker / OpenShift / Geard CentOS PaaS service.

Basic information

  • IPs:
    • 2001:470:1f13:ce7:ca5:cade:fab:1e
  • Hostname: dwellers.nasqueron.org
  • Homepage: http://dwellers.nasqueron.org/
  • Configuration:Access to 3.5 GB RAM and 4 core, burstable on request to 8 cores/+-6 Gb (to be negotiated according Ysul use)
  • OS: CentOS 7
  • ISP: Online (FR)
  • Network: Illiad (FR)
  • Status: Installing.
  • Policy: Access for any Nasqueron or Wolfplex project
  • Started: 2014-07-13


  • SSH (*:22)
  • Docker
  • OpenShift


Ports table

Ø indicates an unmapped port. In such cases, it's accessible logging in Dwellers, and connecting locally to the current mutable container IP variable and the immutable specified port.

Ports are not exposed on world, as only listen to 22, 25, 80 and 443.

Most ports on —80 are served by nginx and so accessible on :80/:443.

URL Container name Container image Prefix Service Internal port External port
builds.nasqueron.org tommy dereckson/tommy 24 ruby / sinatra 4567 24080
Not running Not running grafana/grafana 27 3000 27080
Not running Not running (phragile must be built) 28 28080
Not running Not running nikfoundas/etcd-viewer or henszey/etcd-browser 29 29080
Not running Not running shipyard/shipyard 30 Apache 80 30080
phabricator.nasqueron.org devcentral nasqueron/phabricator 31 nginx 443 Ø
nginx 80 31080
forum.nasqueron.org forum local_discourse/forum 32 nginx 80 32080
Not running (previously bugzilla.espace-win.org) Not running dklawren/docker-bugzilla 33 SSH 22 Ø
Apache 80 33080
pad.nasqueron.org" etherpad nasqueron/etherpad 34 Node.js 9001 34080
phabricator.wolfplex.be wolphab nasqueron/phabricator 35 nginx 443 Ø
nginx 80 35080
Not running (previously code.zed.dereckson.be) Not running yesnault/docker-phabricator:latest 36 SSH 22 Ø
Apache 80 36080
notifications.nasqueron.org hungry_hoover nasqueron/notifications 37 nginx 80 37080
status.nasqueron.org cachet nasqueron/cachet 39 nginx 443 Ø
nginx 80 39080
ci.nasqueron.org ci jenkinsci/jenkins 38 Swarm port control for slave servers 50000 50000
Jetty 8080 38080
Ø aowne nasqueron/jenkins-slave Ø SSH 22 Ø
Ø apsile nasqueron/jenkins-slave Ø SSH 22 Ø
Ø acquisitariat nasqueron/mysql Ø MySQL server 3306 Ø
Ø silly_bardeen (temporary) nasqueron/jenkins-slave-php Ø SSH 22 32769
Ø aphlict nasqueron/aphlict Ø 22280-22281 22280-22281
white-rabbit.nasqueron.org white-rabbit nasqueron/rabbitmq Ø epmd 4369 4369
Ø Erlang distribution 25762 25762
Ø AMQP 5672 5672
Ø AMQP with TLS 5671 5671
Ø Plugin management 15672 15672
Ø STOMP 61613 61613
Ø 61614 61614
Ø MQTT 1883 1883
Ø 8883 8883


Port prefix: 31

Provides a Phabricator instance for Nasqueron projects at http://phabricator.nasqueron.org.

To run a new container:

   docker run -p 31080:80 nasqueron-phabricator

Known issues


Port prefix: 32

Provides a Discourse instance, to be used as a forum at http://forum.nasqueron.org/

First, update the configuration:

    cd /data/discourse/app/
    #ensure you have id_zr in the SSH agent with ssh-add -l
    #if not, and if you have trouble with an agent, alias ssh "ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_zr" should work
    make update

Then, launch db and cache containers:

    docker run -d -v /data/discourse/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql -e LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 --name=discourse-postgres postgres
    docker run -d --name discourse-redis redis

Finally, launch web container:

    docker run -d -v /data/discourse/app:/data/config -p 32000:3000 -p 32080:80 --link discourse-postgres:db --link discourse-redis:cache --name discourse-web nasqueron/discourse

At launch time, the web container can perform some tasks. Erase the dotfiles in /data/discourse/app/ to force them:

  • rake db:migrate if .database-initialized is not found
  • rake assets:precompile if .database-initialized is not found
  • regenerate language configuration and files if .language-set not found and a language file contains a language string

So to switch from English to French for example:

    echo fr > language
    rm .language-set

Also at launch time, the web container will populate config directory with missing config files before to create symlinks of these files to the Discourse web config folder. So, if you found a Discourse instance trying to find a database at localhost, don't forget to generate from discourse.conf.tmpl a discourse.conf file following instructions given above in update the configuration step.


Port prefix: 30

Provides a shipyard instance to manage Dwellers (and potentially other Docker installation) at http://dwellers.nasqueron.org:30080

To run RethinkDB for the storage and launch shipyard:

    docker run -it -d --name shipyard-rethinkdb-data --entrypoint /bin/bash shipyard/rethinkdb -l
    docker run -it -P -d --name shipyard-rethinkdb --volumes-from shipyard-rethinkdb-data shipyard/rethinkdb
    docker run -it -p 30080:8080 -d --name shipyard --link shipyard-rethinkdb:rethinkdb shipyard/shipyard

To control shipyard instance, launch the CLI (also in a container):

    docker run -it shipyard/shipyard-cli

Documentation is at http://shipyard-project.com/docs/usage/cli/

Administration tasks

Acquisitariat (MySQL server)

To connect to the MySQL server, you can run a temporary container linked to our production server.

   ssh -t ops@dwellers.nasqueron.org mysql-acquisitariat-client

If you need more control tweak this line:

   docker run -it --rm --link acquisitariat:mysql nasqueron/mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -h"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR" -P"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT" -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"'

If you need to work with SQL files, connect directly to the server:

   docker exec -it acquisitariat bash

Finally, some containers allow. From a Phabricator container, for example, you can get a MySQL client with:

   /opt/phabricator/bin/storage shell

You could contribute a MySQL client image with only a MySQL client, and tools to perform operations like a dump for backup purpose.


How to point a domain here?

For your domains:

  • subdomain.domain.tld A
  • subdomain.domain.tld AAAA 2001:470:1f13:ce7:ca5:cade:fab:1e

To request a DNS update for domains using extensively the Nasqueron servers infrastructure:

  • subdomain.nasqueron.org CNAME www3.nasqueron.org
  • subdomain.espace-win.org CNAME www2.espace-win.org

How to access by SSH to an instance?

See the ports table to check if a port is assigned. We don't assign port if there is no reason general public got access to the VM by SSH. We assign port each time a stable address is needed (for example to talk with a Git server)

If the port is mapped:

   ssh -p <port> username@dwellers.nasqueron.org

If the port is unmapped, you can from Dwellers:

   docker ps
   docker inspect <instance id> #gets the local IP
   ssh <IP 172.*>

If you don't see the IP with docker inspect, check you use the instance id, not the image name.

Note: with recent Docker versions, you don't need to SSH anymore: you can use docker exec -it <container name> <your favorite shell> instead.

No network at boot time

Access the machine on the hypervisor, then:

Check the interface is up
   ip addr
   ifup ens192 # to bring it up
If you've reset the configuration and need to add again the IP
   ip addr add dev ens192
Routing is probably the issue
   ip route add dev ens192
   ip route add default via
Same for the case we can ping/ssh (slowly) from Ysul but not from the world
   ip route change dev ens192
   ip route change default via
Reconfigure the IPv6 tunnel

At some point, the Linux route2 method stopped to work, but the Linux net-tools method still work.

   ip tunnel del he-ipv6
   ifconfig sit0 up
   ifconfig sit0 inet6 tunnel ::
   ifconfig sit1 up
   ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:470:1f12:ce7::2/64
   ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:470:1f13:ce7:ca5:cade:fab:1e/64
   route -A inet6 add ::/0 dev sit1

A port on the host doesn't reply (but does in Docker)

You can reset the iptables configuration. A script has been provided for that.

   $ systemctl stop docker
   $ /root/reset-iptables
   $ systemctl start docker

If you're willing to restrict ports, you can use instead /root/reset-iptables-dwellers

From Docker and LXC, it's not possible to connect outside

It could be the net.ipv4.ip_forward switched from 1 to 0:

   sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

Or it could be an issue with iptables:

   iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING
   iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ens192 -j MASQUERADE

If you need to recreate the forwarding map (P91):

   iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i ens192 -p TCP -d --dport 25 -j DNAT --to-destination
   iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i ens192 -p TCP -d --dport 21080 -j DNAT --to-destination
   iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i ens192 -p TCP -d --dport 110 -j DNAT --to-destination
   iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i ens192 -p TCP -d --dport 143 -j DNAT --to-destination
   iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i ens192 -p TCP -d --dport 465 -j DNAT --to-destination
   iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i ens192 -p TCP -d --dport 587 -j DNAT --to-destination
   iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i ens192 -p TCP -d --dport 993 -j DNAT --to-destination
   iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i ens192 -p TCP -d --dport 995 -j DNAT --to-destination