How to contribute code

From Nasqueron Agora
Revision as of 19:43, 9 April 2015 by Dereckson (talk | contribs) (Draft)
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This guide explaisn how to contribute code to a Nasqueron project.

Pull the repository

On DevCentral, go to Diffusion. Each repository will offer you a clone command.

For example, it could be:

git clone ssh://

Internal projects are directly hosted on DevCentral. In this case, you need to add your SSH key to the settings.

If the repository is on GitHub but not on DevCentral, please request it to be added. For that, create a task on DevCentral and add DevCentral as project You can use the priority Unbreak now! if you already have a change to review, high if you plan to do it in the next 12 hours, normal for 24 hours, low for one week.

Code something

To fix a bug, or code a new feature, three operations are needed:

  1. code it
  2. commit it
  3. review it

Code it

Before to start to code, create a new branch:

git checkout -b feature/something-awesome

If you fix a bug, use the number of the bug on DevCentral:

git checkout -b bug/T434

Then code something, test it, reread it.

Commit it

When you're ready, you can commit it.

Your commit message should use the following format:

  • a title, as short as possible, with 43 max characters recommended, 55 characters as soft limit, 72 as hard limit
  • some paragraphs, but wrap lines < 72 characters. You can extend at 80 (soft limit) or 100 (hard limit) if really needed.

Review it

arc diff

This will send your change on DevCentral, and allow the review process to start

You'll find more information about this on the Phabricator documentation.

Meanwhile review, you can go to another branch (git checkout master ; git checkout -b feature/another-awesome-change) and offer another change (if your second change depends of the first, skip the checkout master).

Once reviewed, your change will be live in the master repository. Cheers!