
From Nasqueron Agora
Revision as of 12:19, 12 April 2015 by Dereckson (talk | contribs)

Irssi is a modern CLI robust IRC client.

Run irssi on Ysul

You can use your shell developper account on Ysul to run irssi.

Tips and tricks about irssi

Window management

The following shorcuts are handy:

  • meta + a (available out of the box) allows you to go to the "more active" window, which is:
    • the last window you have been highlighted, or if none exists,
    • the last window someone has send a message to, or if none exists,
    • the last window someone has send a mode to (join/part/etc.), or if none exists,
    • the current window.
  • meta + x allows you to switch between the current and the last windows with /bind meta-x command window last.

Note: you can do meta + a and other similar shorcuts a lot of way: alt + a, super key / windows key + a (Windows keyboards), search key + a (Chromebooks). On Mac OS X, you can set the system to use option as meta key.

Channel management

If you use a server with Chanserv:

  • Requests operator mode in the current channel: /alias op! /eval /quote chanserv op $C $N.