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Revision as of 21:02, 14 January 2023

'Nasqueron Datasources is a collection of tools and libraries, mostly written in Rust, to fetch and enrich data.


Datasources components

FANTOIR (fantoir-datasource)

fantoir-datasource is a CLI tool to import the FANTOIR database into PostgreSQL. It's built with pipeline as a code in mind, so we can run it when a new FANTOIR version is released.

It also can enrich data from Wikidata, to qualify ways and offer rich typography labels.

Helper components

The datasources repository contains the following libraries:

  • The opendatasoft-explore-api crate allows to query the Opendatasoft Explore API from Rust code. This API software is for example used for for open data.

A SPARQL client can also be extracted from fantoir-datasource to be published as a standalone library (and so be used in outside projects).


The following relations exist in our components:

  • fantoir-datasource uses opendatasoft-explore-api to check if a new version is available and get the URL


The Nasqueron Databases project on DevCentral is used for any issue, code idea, bug or task.

Repository to clone: datasources

Contact: Dereckson is willing to help you if you need to discuss this project.


Source code is released under BSD-2-Clause license.

The datasets we provide tooling for and consume are and must be licensed under free culture licences, tailored for sui generis database rights:

  • LO (e.g. FANTOIR)
  • ODbL (e.g. OpenStreetMap)

The datasets we produce are licensed under:

  • when a copyleft applies, for example when a dataset is ODbL, ODbL
  • when no copyleft applies, because all sources allow redistribution under any license: CC-BY 4.0