Operations grimoire/Dwellers to DevCentral

From Nasqueron Agora

This document explains how to communicate with DevCentral from the Docker host.

If you're interested to communicate between DevCentral and a Docker container, see Git operations in production containers

Rewrite remotes




See https://devcentral.nasqueron.org/T958 for discussion about DNS.


arc is a wrapper to run nasqueron/arcanist container.

To use it, create a ~/.arc folder with:

  1. a arcrc file for your arc configuration
  2. a gitconfig file for your Git configuration
  3. a ssh folder with a dedicated key for Dwellers to Phabricator instances (mkdir -p ~/.arc/ssh && ssh-keygen -t ed25519 ~/.arc/ssh/id_ed25519)

For example:

├── arcrc
├── gitconfig
└── ssh
    ├── id_ed25519
    ├── id_ed25519.pub
    └── known_hosts

That folder content will be passed as volumes to the container. In the example, known_hosts has been added by ssh client inside the container.

Don't use symbolic links (hard links are okay), they wouldn't resolve when passed as a volume to the container.

To check if all works as expected: arc shell, then, in the container, ssh vcs@devcentral.docker.ulubis