Operations grimoire/Evaluated products

From Nasqueron Agora
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⌛ This Nasqueron Operations Grimoire page hasn't been updated for a long time.

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Products we considered to use.

Phabricator board: https://devcentral.nasqueron.org/tag/product_evaluation/


To evaluate

Product name Task Description Conclusion
OpenFaaS / Kong T1423 Create quick API capabilities with an API gateway and FaaS

Not currently deployed

Product name Task Description Conclusion
Rundeck T332 Deployment orcherstration with web GUI Rejected, too complex approach
Shipyard T645 Docker swarm management web GUI Nice to look logs, facultative
Zammad T1105 OTRS alternative in Ruby (ElasticSearch, Rail server, PostgreSQL) Can be revisited now as more mature
Matrix T536 Communication No interest at Nasqueron