Operations grimoire/How to add a server to the Nasqueron servers pool
Naming convention
Servers names use <feature>-<counter>, for example docker-002 or web-001.
Previously, naming convention stated server names should be proper name from Iain Banks, The Algebraist.
If you want to create a server to do host one site, it's suggested the server name should still following this convention and so be different than your website subdomain.
Setup the server
- Create IP if needed, both for public and private networks
- Create the device. Beware sections for VM and physical machines aren't the same
- Declare network interfaces carefully: it's the source of truth and Salt will use that for configure network
OS installation
Nothing fancy here:
- On VMWare ESXi, we download ISO and setup manually.
- Dedicated bare-metal servers can be installed with provider method
- Scaleway instances could benefit of a custom image
Some tips:
- Timezone MUST be UTC (from tzdata etc/UTC)
- Root password doesn't matter, as long as it's long enough ; document it to Vault under ops/secrets/infra/
- No need to create another user, Salt will do that (correctly)
- FreeBSD servers use zfs on root with arcology as default pool name
Bootstrap the server
You can use rOPS: utils/bootstrap/hello-FreeBSD.sh to install Salt and connect to Complector.
fetch https://windriver.nasqueron.org/~dereckson/ops/hello-FreeBSD.sh
chmod +x hello-FreeBSD.sh
Copy it and adapt it for other OSes (and commit what works). Tilde character lost? <alt gr> + 126
If the server isn't already on the private network, you've git to clone Ops repository to /srv/salt and use salt-call --local saltutil.sync_all ; salt-call --local state.apply roles/core
If the server isn't on the private network at that stage, open a task on DevCentral for a new GRE tunnel or any other fancy way to get there.
Provision through Salt
Commit it:
- rOPS: pillar/nodes/nodes.sls as long as we don't have merged our custom pillar to fetch info from NetBox
- {{Ops file|roles/core/motd/files} can host a custom MOTD to explain this server role
Run it:
- Go to complector, accept key with
salt-key -A
- Apply our modules:
salt-call --local saltutil.sync_all
- Apply the core role:
salt-call --local state.apply roles/core
- Report any issue on DevCentral, roles/core MUST run smoothly everywhere
- Apply other roles as needed, one after the other
If you recreate a machine where everything is already tested fine as Salt as concerned, feel free to run the highstate.
Web guidelines
If the server run a webserver, it's suggested at least three vhosts:
- one to catch every request not intended for one of the configured block, to provide user with an error message (like the 404 droid not found) if a domain points to our server but is not configured ;
- one at <short hostname>, <full hostname>, localhost, <IP>, to offer a cover page for the server,
- one for the service you host.
- Document the server on the wiki:
- Provision the server through Salt
- Prepare the server cover homepage:
- Commit a new server file in https://github.com/nasqueron/servers-homepages/tree/master/servers
- Run the scripts to generate your static HTML homepage