Operations grimoire/Etherpad

From Nasqueron Agora

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Shared between Nasqueron and Wolfplex

The same Etherpad installation is served at two domains:


The easiest way is to spin a new container.

You can also upgrade code in the live container, updating Git code then restarting Node.

Procedure A - spin a new container

Build a new nasqueron/etherpad:production image.

Pull it on docker-002, run deploy-container etherpad to run Salt states.

Procedure B - upgrade code

$ docker exec -it pad bash
$ git pull

Updating 2e81b39..45266f9

$ logout
$ docker restart pad 
$ docker logs pad 

[2016-08-25 00:40:24.711] [INFO] console - Your Etherpad version is 1.6.0 (45266f9)

Check the two versions match.

Note most recent code lives in the develop branch, not the master one.

Maintenance tasks

Delete a pad

As no admin dashboard plugin is installed, there are two methods to delete a pad:

In the past, the few delete pad requests occurred for privacy reasons. Privacy is an acceptable justification to delete a pad.


There are scripts to delete a pad or to repair a corrupted pad.

Those are documented at https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/wiki/Getting-to-know-the-tools-in-bin

Past known issues


When a copy/paste was done, server could crash.

This has been fixed by switching database to utf8mb4_bin:

ALTER DATABASE `etherpad` CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;
ALTER TABLE `etherpad.store` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;

Missing plugins

The installation requires two plugins, provided as npm packages:

  • ep_ether-o-meter
  • ep_author_neat2

The plugins are now are included in the nasqueron/etherpad:production image.

API key issue

http://www.wolfplex.be/pad/ could be empty. When that occurs, the API key on this site diverges from ours.

They store their API on Ysul at /var/dataroot/wolfplex/secrets.json.

On the Docker engine, API key should be available at /srv/pad/APIKEY.txt

Both are provisioned from Vault:

salt docker-002 state.sls roles/paas-docker/containers/etherpad
ssh docker-002 docker restart pad
salt ysul state.sls roles/webserver-content/org/wolfplex/api