Operations grimoire/Incidents/2018-12-08-Mastodon

From Nasqueron Agora

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Tracked at https://devcentral.nasqueron.org/T1492.

Incident timeline

  • ffmpeg process are stuck in the queue and don't allow other jobs to run
  • Several people report the issue by DM, but of course, timeline isn't updated, including the notifications one
  • 2018-12-08 11:35 Investigation to see what happens on the queue
  • 2018-12-08 PM The stuck ffmpeg processes was killed
  • 2018-12-08 PM The queue started to resorbed
  • 2018-12-08 PM Workers capacity has been increased
  • 2018-12-08 17:17 Prepare a script to kill stuck ffmpeg:
    rOPS: roles/paas-docker/containers/files/mastodon/clear-video-queue.py
  • 2018-12-08 PM The queue resorbed more quickly
  • 2018-12-08 19:46 The situation was fixed


There is a clear monitoring issue here: we need to get an alert if the queue contains more than some hundred jobs.


  • Monitor Sidekiq queue
  • Report issue upstream (Mastodon and ffmpeg?)
  • Provide a watchdog to kill ŝtuck ffmpeg process (script is done, but a cron to run it is still needed)