Operations grimoire/Incidents/2023-02-03-ESXi

From Nasqueron Agora

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Not tracked on DevCentral as docker-001 is currently down.

Incident timeline

  • 16:28:03 Dorian and Dereckson worked on pad.nasqueron.org, connection was stopped
  • 16:29:06 Hypervisor Dreadnought is confirmed working, attack against VMWare ESXi detected, server switched in rescue mode
  • 00:15:40 hyper-001 provisioned
  • 12:58:36 migration from Dreadnought to hyper-001 done for router-001
  • 16:05:01 migration from Dreadnought to hyper-001 done for complector


External sources:

First findings:

  • FreeBSD machines ZFS disks are intact (db-A-001, complector, router-001)
  • Linux machines LVM/xfs disks show I/O error (Equatower, docker-001)
  • https://enes.dev/ states the ...-flat.vmdk shouldn't be encrypted
  • Backup of the .vmx configuration file is available at .vmx~ when a machine was running during the attack


  • Monitor VMWare ESXi last available patch vs our current version
  • Improve backup strategy
    • ZFS storage server
    • Glacier backup
    • Physical backup on site
  • [DONE] Install NetBox to document network as we provision the hypervisor it
  • Plan HA for critical services, at least for DevCentral