Operations grimoire/Phabricator

From Nasqueron Agora

📕📁📜 Old technical information :: content warning

⌛ This Nasqueron Operations Grimoire page hasn't been updated for a long time.

☣ As our infrastructure evolves quickly, there is a good chance this information is outdated or now inaccurate. Be careful and consider update it.

➡️ To assert the information is still up-to-date or not, you can check the history of the relevant role in our Operations repository.

We host several independent Phabricator containers on Docker PaaS.

A lot of information are on Operations grimoire/DevCentral, even if they are specific for our instance.

Setup a new Phabricator

Deploy a new instance of the phabricator service.

Configure notifications to use Aphlict, by replacing devcentral.nasqueron.org by your instance hostname:

$ docker exec -it <your instance> bash
$ cat > config.json
	    "type": "client",
	    "host": "devcentral.nasqueron.org",
	    "port": 443,
	    "protocol": "https",
	    "path": "/ws/"
	    "type": "admin",
	    "host": "aphlict.nasqueron.org",
	    "port": 22281,
	    "protocol": "http"
$ bin/config set notification.servers --stdin < config.json
$ rm config.json


= Configuration

Some configuration can't be done by UI and must be done in CLI:

  ./config get <key>
  ./config set <key> --stdin < config.json

Pitfall. You can't directly pass to set the output of get. Use | jq ".config[0].value"


php-fpm: unable to change to service directory: file does not exist

runit has moved from /var/service to /etc/service

   rmdir /etc/service
   ln -s /var/service /etc/service