Operations grimoire/Provision user homefiles

From Nasqueron Agora

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Provision /home directory

Dotfiles everywhere

Create a new folder in the operations repository under roles/core/userland-home/files. The folder MUST match your username.

Any file in it will be deployed in your home directory. Subfolders can be created, and won't delete other files: the task only create or update the files you store there.

To add files is no-op. To actually trigger the deployment, add in pillar/core/users.sls the following block under your username:

       - deploy_dotfiles

Keep in mind, a variety of roles will use Linux (Debian, CentOS Stream, Rocky) and FreeBSD.

Dotfiles on devserver

To provision your home directory on devserver role, create a folder under roles/devserver/userland-home/files

To add files is no-op. To actually trigger the deployment, add in pillar/core/users.sls the following block under your username:

       - deploy_dotfiles

Keep in mind, devserver role is used by FreeBSD and not Linux servers.

Other tasks

Crontab on devserver

Drop the full crontab content in roles/devserver/userland-home/files/_crons/

The new file MUST match your username.

Misc tasks on devserver

  • deploy_nanotab will create an alias nanotab to offer you a nano with tab support, and still has access to nanorc configuration, useful to edit Makefile
  • install_rustup to get your own Rust environment
  • install_diesel if you want to install Diesel under your Rust environment (requires rustup)