Operations grimoire/RHEL

From Nasqueron Agora

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⌛ This Nasqueron Operations Grimoire page hasn't been updated for a long time.

☣ As our infrastructure evolves quickly, there is a good chance this information is outdated or now inaccurate. Be careful and consider update it.

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Docker engines servers uses CentOS Stream (e.g. Dwellers) or Rocky (e.g. docker-002).


States targeting RHEL machines need to apply the relevant SELinux context to each directory and file.

For example, to apply the context httpd_log_t to /var/log/www:

   {% set has_selinux = salt['grains.get']('selinux:enabled', False) %}
       - user: {{ options["www_user"] }}
       - group: web
       - dir_mode: 711
  {% if has_selinux %}
       - name: /var/log/www
       - sel_type: httpd_log_t
       - name: /var/log/www
   {% endif %}

You'll find examples in rOPS: roles/paas-docker/containers/ files.

For booleans (sebool) or custom policies, you'll find examples in rOPS: roles/paas-docker/nginx/selinux.sls