
From Nasqueron Agora

Threyscend is a FreeBSD server, to offer transhumance services and connecting to the Drake network. It's a laptop partition bootable or accessible as VM.

Basic information

  • IP:
    • Currently no IPv6 routing
  • Hostname: threyscend.drake
  • Homepage: http://threyscend.drake/
  • Configuration: HD 60 Go, RAM 4 Go in (1.5 Go in VM mode)
  • OS: FreeBSD 10
  • Status: Unstable. Don't trust connectivity.

ASCII art hostname representation

 _______ _                                                            _
'   /    /      .___    ___  ,    .    ____   ___    ___  , __     ___/
    |    |,---. /   \ .'   ` |    `   (     .'   ` .'   ` |'  `.  /   |
    |    |'   ` |   ' |----' |    |   `--.  |      |----' |    | ,'   |
    /    /    | /     `.___,  `---|. \___.'  `._.' `.___, /    | `___,'
                              \___/                                   `

Figlet, font Bell.


  • NX remote desktop, with Mate installed