Equatower is an infrastructure server used to serve Docker containers. It's hosted on Dreadnought hypervisor.
New services, provisionned by SaltStack through our rOPS repository, should be deployed to Equatower.
PaaS Docker
Group | Container | Image | Purpose |
jenkins_cd | jenkins | jenkinsci/jenkins | Jenkins master for CD |
jenkins_cd | apsile | nasqueron/jenkins-slave-php | Jenkins slave |
jenkins_cd | elapsi | nasqueron/jenkins-slave-php | Jenkins slave |
openfire | openfire | gizmotronic/openfire | XMPP server |
phpbb | phpbb_db | nasqueron/mysql | MySQL server for phpBB PaaS |
phpbb | phpbb_ook | nasqueron/nginx-php7-fpm | QA container for phpBB PaaS |
phpbb | phpbb_test | nasqueron/nginx-php7-fpm | dev container for phpBB PaaS |
Port | Service | Purpose |
3478 | Openfire | STUN / TURN |
5222 | Openfire | C2S XMPP |
5263 | Openfire | S2S XMPP |
38080 | Jenkins | back-end web server |
Administration tasks
Acquisitariat (MySQL server)
To connect to the MySQL server, you can run a temporary container linked to our production server.
ssh -t dwellers.nasqueron.org mysql acquisitariat
If you need more control tweak this line:
docker run -it --rm --link acquisitariat:mysql nasqueron/mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -h"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR" -P"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT" -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"'
If you need to work with SQL files, connect directly to the server:
docker exec -it acquisitariat bash
Finally, some containers allow direct access. From a Phabricator container, for example, you can get a MySQL client with:
/opt/phabricator/bin/storage shell
Let's Encrypt certificates renewal fail
Let's Encrypt resolves in IPv6 first, so if IPv6 is down, renewal will be slow and unsuccessful with timeout messages.
No network at boot time
Access the machine on the hypervisor, then:
- Check the interface is up
ip addr ifup ens192 # to bring it up
The interface to use is the one connected to the main network, with 00:50:56:0c:53:94 as MAC address. It normally should be defined at ens192.
- If you've reset the configuration and need to add again the IP
ip addr add dev ens192
- Routing is probably the issue
ip route add dev ens192 ip route add default via
- Same for the case we can ping/ssh (slowly) from Ysul but not from the world
ip route change dev ens192 ip route change default via
- Reconfigure the IPv6 tunnel
At some point, the Linux route2 method stopped to work, but the Linux net-tools method still work.
ip tunnel del he-ipv6 /sbin/ipv6-setup-tunnel
Could be broken, if so, use old ifconfig commands like in Dwellers.