Operations grimoire/Notifications center

From Nasqueron Agora

📕📁📜 Old technical information :: content warning

⌛ This Nasqueron Operations Grimoire page hasn't been updated for a long time.

☣ As our infrastructure evolves quickly, there is a good chance this information is outdated or now inaccurate. Be careful and consider update it.

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The notifications centers is an HTTP to HTTP and HTTP to AQMP gateway for our CI infrastructure.

It allows to receive events from GitHub, Docker Hub and Phabricator, and send them to a RabbitMQ broker (white-rabbit) or Phabricator.


Start a new container


Upgrade a live container

  1. Enter notifications container as app user : docker exec -it --user=app notifications bash
  2. Check we're on the master branch and the history is clean
  3.  Update code with git pull
  4. If composer has been touched, composer update (could be faster to docker pull, stop this container and start a new container)
  5.  If entered as root, fix ownership with chown -R app:app /var/wwwroot/default
  6.  Restart PHP FPM with sv restart php-fpm


  1. Source code
  2.  DevCentral board

Configuration as code.

This service should be properly defined in rOPS repository as a Salt state.