Operations grimoire/Old content report

From Nasqueron Agora

📕📁📜 Old technical information :: content warning

⌛ This Nasqueron Operations Grimoire page hasn't been updated for a long time.

☣ As our infrastructure evolves quickly, there is a good chance this information is outdated or now inaccurate. Be careful and consider update it.

➡️ To assert the information is still up-to-date or not, you can check the history of the relevant role in our Operations repository.

This report shows the pages not updated for 6 months or more.

Content more than one year old receives a header. Those between 6 months and one year are only included here for reference.

2024-01-12 report
Article Age (days)
Alkane 199
IPv6 215
Policies 215
Mumble 217
Mail/Sympa 217
Openfire 219
Orbeon 224
Phabricator 225
RHEL 227
Operations repository 227
RabbitMQ 227
Eglide/Vault 228
Odderon 228
Eglide 228
Web/Headers 230
Web 230
DNS 234
Add a service to Docker PaaS 235
Kafka 242
Sentry 242
DevCentral 244
Restart a Docker engine 245
Checklist router post-restart 245
Provision user homefiles 245
WordPress 256
How to add a server to the Nasqueron servers pool 281
Deploy with Salt 285
Create and revoke user accounts on Salt servers 285
Environments 286
Onboarding 315
Contacts 316
Notifications center 678
Docker registry 678
Sites on Ysul 678
Kubernetes 678
Mastodon 1888
Salt 1889
Evaluated products 1900
Docker engine 1900
Login 1938
How to attach a new virtual disk 1941
Dwellers to DevCentral 1948
Git operations in production containers 2120
Mail 2548
Mail/DKIM 2548
Sites on Eglide 2678
Dæghrefn 2711
Jenkins 2730
Production tests 2731

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